Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spinning the Web

I am a great fan of Spiderman and I have always felt that there are a lot of powerful dialogues in the Sipderman movies that can actually boost your morale. Here are some of the lines from the Spiderman movies that has in a way inspired me.

These are lines from Peter Parker / Spiderman:

With great power comes great responsibilities. This is my gift, my curse. Who am I? I'm SPIDERMAN.

Sometimes responsibilities do make up most of our life.

Whatever comes our way, even if a battle is raging within us, we always have a choice. My friend Harry taught me that. He chose to be the best of himself

When you do terrible things and want to set things right you start with doing the toughest thing. Forgive yourself.

Here's the truth. There are eight million people in this city. And those teeming masses exist for the sole purpose of lifting the few exceptional people

We all have choices and those choices makes us what we are. So we can always make a choice to do the right thing.

Not everyone is meant to make a difference. But for me, the choice to lead an ordinary life is no longer an option.

Sometimes, you know people. You can see whats coming.

The real crime must be not to finish what we started.

No matter what I do. No matter how hard I try. The ones I love will always be the ones who pay.

Sometimes in life we have to give up the things we want the most.

These are lines from the other characters in the movies:

And Lord knows, kids like Henry need a hero. Courageous, self-sacrificing people. Setting examples for all of us. Everybody loves a hero. People line up for them, cheer them, scream their names. And years later, they'll tell how they stood in the rain for hours just to get a glimpse of the one who taught them how to hold on a second longer. I believe there's a hero in all of us, that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride, even though sometimes we have to be steady, and give up the thing we want the most. Even our dreams. - Aunt May

I believe there is a hero in all of us that keeps us honest gives us strength, makes us noble and finally allows us to die with pride. - Aunt May

Every dream needs a hero to bring it to life. - Aunt May

You cant live with revenge in your heart. It is like a poison. It can take you over before you know it and turn you into something ugly. - Aunt May

We've all done terrible things to each other, but we have to forgive each other. Or everything we ever were will mean nothing. Mary Jane

There are eight million people in this city. And those teeming masses exist for the sole purpose of lifting the few exceptional people onto their shoulders. You and me.... We're exceptional. - Green Goblin.

No matter what you do for them, eventually they will hate you. - Green Goblin

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