They say wherever in the world you go, you are sure to find Indians and Chinese - Obviously India and China are the two most populated countries in the world. Why are we talking about this, well I'm gonna tell you a story of Indo-Chinese connection in Central Europe. This is a true story...
I'm in Krakow, Poland now and I'm staying in this hotel where there are a bunch of Chinese tourists put up as well. They landed as a big group with big suitcases and bags and made big noises wherever they went. It was a saturday morning, I was just about to get out of the hotel and explore Krakow. I stepped out of my room and I saw this big suitcase pushed against the door of the room opposite to my room, I then realised that this opposite room's door is wide open and the big suitcase was the door stopper!
For a minute I thought ay be she is telling me not to close my door, may be someone had detonated my door and it will explode the moment I close it. While I was wondering what I should do next, this lady walked u to the door, slowly pulled the big suitcase inside her room and closed the door.
(Note: Pictures in this article have been randomly picked from the internet via google.)

It was a few nano seconds I would've had my eyes on the suitcase and the door and just when I was about shut my door I heard a woman scream "NO!!!!" I looked up in the direction where the "NO!!!!" came from and I saw this Chinese woman sitting in the opposite room on a chair. While I was still wondering what was going on, that woman said "NO!!!!" a couple of more times and slowly walked towards the door as she yelled a few more "NO!!!!"s. I think her decibel was increasing with every "NO!!!!" she screamt.
For a minute I thought ay be she is telling me not to close my door, may be someone had detonated my door and it will explode the moment I close it. While I was wondering what I should do next, this lady walked u to the door, slowly pulled the big suitcase inside her room and closed the door.
"Unbelievable. I tell you these Asians," I said to myself as I nodded my head in disbelief.
For a moment I was wondering "why did she do that!?" But then I thought may be the last time she saw a brown man was when he ran away with her suitcase.... :-D
(Note: Pictures in this article have been randomly picked from the internet via google.)
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