Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Best Friends

They say without good friends life is incomplete, well in my case life is nothing without my three best friends. With these three friends around, all the good things have lasted longer and all the bad things have dissappeared faster. We all live in the same building for the past two years and this will probably be one of the best times in my life.


RusLin denotes Russel and Leeni, we've been friends for more than 5 years now. Rus & Lin are the most adorable and perfect couple I've ever seen. Rus & Lin are real sweethearts and they have inspired me in a lot on most of the things I've done in life (in a way they have been my rolemodels too). Whenever I've needed shoulders to cry on, whenever I've needed people to rejoice & celebrate with, Rus & Lin have always been there.

They know me so well that I don't need to tell them if something good has happened or if something is worng. They will know when things happen and without having to ask, they are there to either celebrate with me or to lend their shoulders. I never had such great friends in my life before who consider me as part of their daily life and always welcomed me home. They have always considered me as part of their family and have ensured that I'm not left alone. I've never missed my family ever since I've been friends with Rus & Lin. And I'm sure without Rus & Lin around my life wouldn't have been as good as it is now.

I've never had such great friends in life and with Rus & Lin around I always feel blessed (Thank you God!). Love you Rus & Lin!


I have always admired this guy for the kind of rapport he has with his parents, wish I had the same kind of rapport with my parents! Amith is another great friend who has always been there to support and his parents treat all of us the same way they treat Amith and his brother. Amith is fun to be with, especially with some of his PJs and jokes.

With Amith, there is nothing that you can't find. Regardless of what is it that you wanted he will always find it for you! He is a friend who has always cared about what I wanted before getting to what is it that he wanted. When something good happens, he is more excited than I am and whenever something goes wrong, he is more hurt than I am, but he has always made me feel better.

Like I said earlier, I've never had such great friends in my life before and God has abundantly blessed me with three great friends!

Rus, Lin & Amith - Happy Friendship Day in advance, life is good ever since you guys walked in!

Picture Perfect!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Signs - Short Film

A short & sweet, well narrated and a beautiful feel good movie...

I recently watched this short film on the internet called Signs, directed by an Australian director named Partick Hughes in the year 2008. This movie is about 12 minutes and what it can do to you is amazing. Its a very simple plot, but the narration is outstanding. There are no dialogues except for two place where the lead character is in a meeting (some one else is presenting some stuff) and a message on the answering machine.

The narration doesn't just keep you completely involved in the story for that 12 mintues, it also leaves you laughing with the characters and make you feel sad for the lead character towards to end. This is a feel good movie that you'll never regret watching. Both actors who have played Jason and Stacy have done a great job, especially the actor who played Jason - his acting was phenomenol. I could relate to the first 2 - 3 minutes of this movie.

The director has chosen a simple, straight forward narration and the same is so powerful when presented on the screen! The background score is mesmerising and goes very well with the mood of the movie and the audience! This movie is a very good example of how to make a good movie. Upcoming or aspiring film makers definitely have a lot to learn form this movie.

This is a must watch and it does not take more than 13 minutes to watch (I don't want to spoil the experience by revealing the plot here). Please watch this movie if you find time, you can find this movie on youtube if you search with the directors name and the movie title I guess. Look for the file that has a run time of little more than 12 mins.

And here is the URL for the moview IMDB page.

Just look at'em

Ok I will not become alone inside...

Saw this in a tata showroom, and still not sure what they were trying to say.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

What's in a name?

Some of my friends told me that there is this comedian called Russel Peters who was too good. They even made me watch a couple of clips from one of his shows. Initially I didn't like him and didn't find him funny enough.

Russel Peters is an Indian stand up comedian born & brought up in Canada. All his shows are based on different ethinicities in the world and if you are sportive you'll enjoy the show else you'll be upset and curse him for the kind of stuff he says about different races. The surprising part is, all that he says about different races are so ture a bit exagerated in order to make it humourous. A few days later I tried to watch one of his shows and I must say I thoroughly enjoyed it, I then started watching his other shows and enjoyed most of them.

In one of his shows he talks about some cultural names (mostly indian) that sound really funny, wierd and sometimes offensive in english. I'm not going to reveal any details of those names but after watching that I've started paying more attention to names. I'm in a profession where I constantly keep reviewing multiple reports with hundreds of names in it. I have come across some such funny / wierd names on those reports and thought will share it with the general public.

Mallus and Tamilians are known for coming up with funny names for their kids. I wonder how those kids put up with the rest of society with such names.

There is this mallu guy I came across whose parents decided to give him two similar sounding names. His name is suresh ramesh! First I thought its two different people and was later surprised to know its actually one guy. Imagine you are introducing this guy to someone, they'll be wondering where the other guy is or they will wonder why you are calling them ramesh, "Hi I want you to meet my friend suresh ramesh!"

There was this other guy I came across who had a name similar to that of James Bond! His name is Subramaniam Balasubramaniam like Bond Jame Bond! ta-da-ta.. ta-da-ta... ta-ta-da-da-ta...

I saw this other guy, I don't remember his first name but his last name was so funny that I laughed in regular intervals for the next three days. His last name was, Gaanduram! Who the hell names a kid gaanduram? (BTW gandu means ass in hindi. Not the animal, the buttocks). Gaanduram!?!?!? I can't imagine the kind of humiliation that guy would have gone through in his life.

There is another mallu guy I came across his name is Jobey Joy (again jobey in hindi means whatever). So his name in hindi would become whatever joy... who cares...

Another name that I came across in one of the reports is Manchester Rani. Not sure if her parents were die hard ManU fans when she was born.

There is this other girl who never says her complete name anywhere at any cost. Don't really remember her first name but her last name is chutia. This is a very bad word in hindi and she knows that very well. So every time you ask her for her complete name you can hear the frustration in her voice.

I also heard that there is an actor in kerla whose name is Innocent. Imagine this guy is convicted for some crime, he just need to say his name and cause confuion, ''My Lord. I'm Innocent.''

My sister once said that there was a girl in her school whose name is White Rose! I'm sure if those parents had any more kids they would have used other color roses as names.

There is one name that is way too common in Bangalore and if you ever happen to be in bangalore and can't remember the name of the person you are talking to, just call them by this name and most probably you'll be right. The name is Manjunath. Don't trust me, stand in any busy street in Bangalore and shout Manjunath or Manju and see how many turn around and say 'Yes.'

The tamil equivalent of Manjunath is Manikanta or Mani and Saravana. Manjunath in Bangalore and Manikanta and Saravana in Tamil Nadu are equivalent to a Smith in the english speaking world.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

PJ Time

Whenever my best friends come up with a PJ and if I don't have a come back, I tend to say "I know you are trying" or "Keep trying." In the recent past there have many instances where I have ended up using these phrases.

Leeni was carrying her laptop bag,
Vimal: Give I'll carry.
Amith: You can't carry dude you are a guy.
Vimal: ?!?!?! I know you are trying.

Vimal: What will happen if you call a Chennai guy a Jerk?
Leeni: Jerk.
Vimal: Hey I'm not a Chennai Guy. Anyway the answer is you will get a 'Nee Jerk' reaction ('Nee' is the tamil equivalent for 'you').
Leeni: I still got a 'Nee Jerk' reaction.
Vimal: I know you are trying.

Leeni: It must be difficult for the captain to leave his ship in a situation like this right?
Vimal: Dhoni is in that ship?
Leeni: ........ No Ponting is.
Leeni: Russel, do you know that Accenture's policy of taking your spouse for training programs is applicable for overseas training programs as well. One of my friend who lives in Australia went for a training in Malasia along with his wife.
Vimal: Well you are missing the whole point here, that coupler went from foreign to foreign but in your case, you will be going from India to foreign. I don't think that policy will be applicable in that case.
Leeni: Agggrrr!

Russel: What are you doing?
Leeni: Reading about Retail.
Vimal: Oh in that case please read about lizards as well.....
Leeni: I'm waiting.
Vimal: Well, if a lizard looses its tail, it can re-tail that's why.

Vimal: We should try running a car with the fuel meant for aeroplanes, white petrol.
Amith: Well Aeroplanes don't run on white petrol, they run on kerosene.
Vimal: What nonsense, till date I've never seen a single pilot stand in line for kerosene in a Ration Shop.
Amith: ?!?! I know you are trying...

Vimal: I will take your photo and mail it to your parents.
Amith: What makes you think that my parents access mails.
Vimal: Ok so like they did in the olden days, I'll send the photo to your parents through Linesh (Leeni's Brother).
Leeni: Like messenger service?
Vimal: In olden days they used to send messgaes through dove right? That way. (dove is a term used in malayalam to address guys who are younger to you).

Amith: I hate Denzel Washington.
Vimal: You are a racist guy.
Chai: Who is racist?
Vimal: That brown guy over there.
Chai: ?!?!?

Vimal: How come the service station is closed today?
Chai: Because it's May Day.
Vimal: Oh my God. Who is in trouble now? and who needs help now?
Chai: Oh God not early in the morning.

Chai: (drinking water) my job doesn't pay me enough, I'm thinking of selling one of my Kidneys.
Vimal: Oh I that case don't drink so much water its too much for one kidney to handle.
Chai: oh God.

Vimal's phone rings...
Vimal: Hello
Vimal's Aunt: Hey what are you doing?
Vimal: I'm washing clothes.
Vimal's Aunt: Washing Clothes? That's why we say you should get married.
Vimal: Oh shit. I'll have to wash two people's clothes then.

Leeni: Chai. would you lke to have some breakfast.
Chai: No THanks.
Leeni: I'll give you some cereals.
Vimal: Well Chai likes Chinese movies I don't think he'll be interested in any serials.
Chai: Aw God. Vimal I'm going to slipper you now.

Email conversation.
Chai: Don't worry I'll not sue anybody.
Vimal: You can't sue anybody because you are not a tailor.
Vimal: I did, even there its written that you are not a tailor.

Vimal: You should not play in the beach during sunrise or sunset.
Leeni: Why?
Vimal: Because the water will be boiling.
Leeni: Why?
Vimal: Because the sun comes from inside the ocean naa. That's why.

We were sitting and chattin, suddenly Chai walks off
Russel: Hey Chai where are you going?
Chai: Just give me a second.
Vimal: CHai 1 second's over, come back.
Chai: Aye monkey...

Friday, July 2, 2010

Just look at''em

Looks like the guy who did the board has an amazing command over spellings.

Everytime I call home, i open the call with Naandaan / naadaan which means Its me. Interestingly Leeni found a salad with a name like that 'Naadan Salal' meaning It's me salad!.

Process Driven Ayurveda? How else can you attract corporate clients...?

And I took the chair from this person's desk and now I'm wondering how will I pay my EMI next month.

Looks like this guy has built a whole building using left overs from other construction sites.