Everyone is sitting in the dining area and the door bell rings. Vimal answers the door and when he returns,
Russel: Who was it?
Vimal: Super Hero.
Parag: Super Hero?!?!?!?!?
Vimal: Yup - Iron Man!
Parag: ha ha ha.....
Leeni: Pass me the papad Vimal.
Vimal passes the papad without.saying a word.
Leeni: How come you didn't crack your stupid PJ where you just look at the papad and say pass without actually passing it?
Vimal: That is Amith's PJ. My PJs have quality.
Leeni: Yes. Poor quality is also qualIty
Vimal: ?!?!?!
While watching a ghost movie, at the lead character
Leeni: she herself looks like a ghost.
Vimal: she is an undercover ghost.
Leeni: hahaha good one.
The lead character Claire was screaming on top of her voice.
Vimal: Claire became 'loud and claire.´
Everyone: hahaha.
Russel: I'm picking up food for for dinner, what do you want?
Vimal: Anything macha.
Russel: They don't have 'anything' here.
Vimal: Which place have you.gone to?
Russel: The place where you don't get 'anything.'
Vimal: ?!?!?!
Jayanthi: How can you forget to eat?
Vimal: I think I'll get tatoo like Ghajini stating have lunch, dinner, etc.
Jayanthi: But will you remember to look at them?
Vimal: I'll get a tatoo for.that as well. The tatoo will read 'check tatoo instructions.'
Jayanthi: PJ Poor me.
While navigating during of our road trips,
Leeni: There is a truck on the left. Now all clear.
Vimal: Head and Shoulders.
Leeni: ?!?!?!
Leeni: I'll go make sambar rice.
Vimal: But make sure you make sambar and rice seperately.
Leeni: Like how God made you and brain seperarely
Vimal: !?!?!?
Russel: I'm thinking of buying a small fridge for my bar counter.
Vimal: Actually you should buy a small fridge and keep it inside your big fridge.
Russel: Why?
Vimal: Just imagine, fridge inside fridge, how cold things will be.
Russel: As cold as your brain.
Vimal: ?!?!?!
Leenish: I'm getting leaves for easter.
Vimal: Why do you want to wait till easter dude. Go pluck how many ever leaves you want from that plant now.
Leenish: ?!?! How do people put up with you at work?
Roy: What is that?
Vimal: Dwayne Johnson Angelina Jolie.
Roy: What?!?!?
Vimal: Rock Salt macha.
Roy: Oh God.
Leeni: I'm shocked.
Vimal: Your rubber chappal is next to your feet.
Leeni: What?!?!
Vimal: If you are wearing rubber chappals you don't get a shock.
Leeni: Oh God.
Deepti: Hey, you were supposed gift Leeni shoes for her birthday how come you bought something else?
Vimal: I decided not to gift stuff that can be used against me.
Deepti: hahaha. Good one.
Leeni: That guy is fighting with someone over the phone.
Vimal: How do you know?
Leeni: I heard him say 'ok. Fine.' When a guy says that, it means he is not ready to listen and wants to get into a fight.
Vimal: Oh is it? Ok fine.
Leeni: yippie!
Vimal: ?!?!?!?
Russel: What was the name of the hotel we are looking for?
Roy: Hotel Grace.
Vimal: Dude, this is Kerala, you are supposed.to pronounce it as graice and not grace.
Roy: You are such a disgraice Vimal.
Leeni: hahaha. Good one Roy.

Russel: Abhishek Bachan sang this rap song is it.
Vimal: Yup. A lot of actors do that these days. A lot of actors have become popular singing rap.
Russel: And this Danush guy became popular by singing Tamil Nadu crap.
Vimal: hahahaha.
Roy: Having bread everyday is not good for health as it contains maidha.
Russel: But I only eat wheat bread.
Vimal: It doesn't matter what bread it is. As long as you are eating at home it is still "veet bread" (veet bread means house bread in tamil).
At the barber shop, while we were waiting for our turn a guy walks in and said hi to Amith and myself. After waiting for 5 mins he stepped out for a smoke. I was still wondering who it was and Amith told me that he is from MphasiS (a company we both worked for) and he used to be in this process called banyan (we had pseudo names for each department).
Vimal: Who is that guy who just said hi to us?
Amith: That guy is from MphasiS, he was in banyan.
Vimal: Hmmm. Now he in chaddies (chaddies, meaning shorts. Banyan, meaning vests).
Leeni: Enough of your bad jokes Vimal.
Vimal: What bad jokes?
Leeni: hahaha. See that's a very good joke. I can laugh for that.
Jayanthi: Its just a matter of control c and control v.
Vimal: Hey, nobody controls V (meaning vimal).
Jayanthi: hahaha, good one.
Vimal: How do you spell Sakleshpur?
Amith: Suck. Lace. Poor.
Vimal: ok..... Hey!
Vimal: I'll order food for you?
Naveen: Ya. Order something light for me.
Vimal: 30 Watts bulb will do?
Naveen: Hahaha.
Russel: I got my prescription via sms. slowly the human touch is disappearing.
Vimal: That's why we have touch screen phones these days.
Russel: How does that help.
Vimal: Humans are touching the screen right.
Russel: Oh God.
Russel: Who was it?
Vimal: Super Hero.
Parag: Super Hero?!?!?!?!?
Vimal: Yup - Iron Man!
Parag: ha ha ha.....
Leeni: Pass me the papad Vimal.
Vimal passes the papad without.saying a word.
Leeni: How come you didn't crack your stupid PJ where you just look at the papad and say pass without actually passing it?
Vimal: That is Amith's PJ. My PJs have quality.
Leeni: Yes. Poor quality is also qualIty
Vimal: ?!?!?!
While watching a ghost movie, at the lead character
Leeni: she herself looks like a ghost.
Vimal: she is an undercover ghost.
Leeni: hahaha good one.
The lead character Claire was screaming on top of her voice.
Vimal: Claire became 'loud and claire.´
Everyone: hahaha.
Russel: I'm picking up food for for dinner, what do you want?
Vimal: Anything macha.
Russel: They don't have 'anything' here.
Vimal: Which place have you.gone to?
Russel: The place where you don't get 'anything.'
Vimal: ?!?!?!

Vimal: I think I'll get tatoo like Ghajini stating have lunch, dinner, etc.
Jayanthi: But will you remember to look at them?
Vimal: I'll get a tatoo for.that as well. The tatoo will read 'check tatoo instructions.'
Jayanthi: PJ Poor me.
While navigating during of our road trips,
Leeni: There is a truck on the left. Now all clear.
Vimal: Head and Shoulders.
Leeni: ?!?!?!
Leeni: I'll go make sambar rice.
Vimal: But make sure you make sambar and rice seperately.
Leeni: Like how God made you and brain seperarely
Vimal: !?!?!?
Russel: I'm thinking of buying a small fridge for my bar counter.
Vimal: Actually you should buy a small fridge and keep it inside your big fridge.
Russel: Why?
Vimal: Just imagine, fridge inside fridge, how cold things will be.
Russel: As cold as your brain.
Vimal: ?!?!?!
Leenish: I'm getting leaves for easter.
Vimal: Why do you want to wait till easter dude. Go pluck how many ever leaves you want from that plant now.
Leenish: ?!?! How do people put up with you at work?

Vimal: Dwayne Johnson Angelina Jolie.
Roy: What?!?!?
Vimal: Rock Salt macha.
Roy: Oh God.
Leeni: I'm shocked.
Vimal: Your rubber chappal is next to your feet.
Leeni: What?!?!
Vimal: If you are wearing rubber chappals you don't get a shock.
Leeni: Oh God.
Deepti: Hey, you were supposed gift Leeni shoes for her birthday how come you bought something else?
Vimal: I decided not to gift stuff that can be used against me.
Deepti: hahaha. Good one.
Leeni: That guy is fighting with someone over the phone.
Vimal: How do you know?
Leeni: I heard him say 'ok. Fine.' When a guy says that, it means he is not ready to listen and wants to get into a fight.
Vimal: Oh is it? Ok fine.
Leeni: yippie!
Vimal: ?!?!?!?
Russel: What was the name of the hotel we are looking for?
Roy: Hotel Grace.
Vimal: Dude, this is Kerala, you are supposed.to pronounce it as graice and not grace.
Roy: You are such a disgraice Vimal.
Leeni: hahaha. Good one Roy.

Russel: Abhishek Bachan sang this rap song is it.
Vimal: Yup. A lot of actors do that these days. A lot of actors have become popular singing rap.
Russel: And this Danush guy became popular by singing Tamil Nadu crap.
Vimal: hahahaha.
Roy: Having bread everyday is not good for health as it contains maidha.
Russel: But I only eat wheat bread.
Vimal: It doesn't matter what bread it is. As long as you are eating at home it is still "veet bread" (veet bread means house bread in tamil).
At the barber shop, while we were waiting for our turn a guy walks in and said hi to Amith and myself. After waiting for 5 mins he stepped out for a smoke. I was still wondering who it was and Amith told me that he is from MphasiS (a company we both worked for) and he used to be in this process called banyan (we had pseudo names for each department).
Vimal: Who is that guy who just said hi to us?
Amith: That guy is from MphasiS, he was in banyan.
Vimal: Hmmm. Now he in chaddies (chaddies, meaning shorts. Banyan, meaning vests).
Leeni: Enough of your bad jokes Vimal.
Vimal: What bad jokes?
Leeni: hahaha. See that's a very good joke. I can laugh for that.
Jayanthi: Its just a matter of control c and control v.
Vimal: Hey, nobody controls V (meaning vimal).
Jayanthi: hahaha, good one.
Vimal: How do you spell Sakleshpur?
Amith: Suck. Lace. Poor.
Vimal: ok..... Hey!
Vimal: I'll order food for you?
Naveen: Ya. Order something light for me.
Vimal: 30 Watts bulb will do?
Naveen: Hahaha.
Russel: I got my prescription via sms. slowly the human touch is disappearing.
Vimal: That's why we have touch screen phones these days.
Russel: How does that help.
Vimal: Humans are touching the screen right.
Russel: Oh God.
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