Driving! A passion for some and a pain in the ass for some. What's it for me? Well I will know that once I've learnt how to drive. Driving is one of the skills that I hadn't acquired until now and one fine day I just decided to go and acquire it. So I ended up in Maruti Driving School. Learning to Drive in Maruti Driving School is fun, here are some funny encounters I've had qwith my instructors.
After one has completed the theory classes, one will need to start with Simulation and Practicals. But before that, there is demo session that one needs to attend. What happens in this demo session, one of the instructors will show you the car - the controls, the safety features, the hood, what one needs to know about the car to be able to drive and maintain and the dos & dons.
Me: ABC.
Instructor: Now what is the Break used for?
Me: To stop the vehicle?
Instructor: NO. Break is used to slow down and then stop the vehicle.
Me: Ok Fine.
I figured out by then that this guy expects us to memorise the definitions taught in our theory classes and recite the same when he asks us questions. I know the technical answer to the next question already so I was just waiting for him to jjust ask the question.
Instructor: What is the clutch used for?
Me: A clutch is used to disengage power from the engine! (I was almost certain that he whont have anything to comment on that)
Instructor: NO. Clutch is used to change gears.
Me: ______ Ok.
Man I was baffled by his never give up attitude.
A little while later we were on the streets driving around and this guy was giving me instructions as I drove around. At one point I used the horn and the instructor told me that I hadn't honked enough. Then he followed it up with a question, "What is a horn used for?" 'Here we go again' I said to myself as I cleared my thorat to answer his question, "A Horn is used to alert other people or vehicles on the road." The instructor did not confirm if my answer was right or wrong but gave an answer himself. I think it was a rhetorical question, anyways here is the reason why you honk according to my instructor,"You honk for two reasons. One is to say Hi and one is to say OYE."
Being a polite young man, I waited till I got home and laughed about it.... :-D
After one has completed the theory classes, one will need to start with Simulation and Practicals. But before that, there is demo session that one needs to attend. What happens in this demo session, one of the instructors will show you the car - the controls, the safety features, the hood, what one needs to know about the car to be able to drive and maintain and the dos & dons.
So in my demo session I got this instructor who I believe always wanted to be right. We got in the car, he was sitting in the driver's seat and I was in the passenger seat. He sarted asking me questions, starting with the foot control.
Instructor: What are the foot controls?Me: ABC.
Me: Its Accelerator, Break and Clutch.
Instructor: Good. Now what is the accelerator used for?
Me: It is used to increase the speed of the vehicle.
Instructor: Wrong. Accelerator is used to send power to the engine.
Me: Ok.Instructor: Now what is the Break used for?
Me: To stop the vehicle?
Instructor: NO. Break is used to slow down and then stop the vehicle.
Me: Ok Fine.
I figured out by then that this guy expects us to memorise the definitions taught in our theory classes and recite the same when he asks us questions. I know the technical answer to the next question already so I was just waiting for him to jjust ask the question.
Instructor: What is the clutch used for?
Me: A clutch is used to disengage power from the engine! (I was almost certain that he whont have anything to comment on that)
Instructor: NO. Clutch is used to change gears.
Me: ______ Ok.
Man I was baffled by his never give up attitude.

Being a polite young man, I waited till I got home and laughed about it.... :-D
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